Spring Break has come and gone and here it is almost April. I don't feel like I've accomplished anything this year so far. I was supposed to be caught up, if not ahead, on my studying. The house was supposed to be orderly with all drawers, closets and cabinets cleaned out. I was supposed to work out regularly, lose weight and join a bible study! And I haven't told you, yet about the big stack of books I plan to read. I want to read the Da Vinci Code before I see the movie!
Well, I joined the bible study, just never went. Don't think that earned me any points! I picked up an aerobics schedule at the gym, but the times conflict with other obligations. I do study more, but anything is "more". I have cleaned out two nightstands, rearranged the bedroom and cleaned out two kitchen cabinets. So much to do, so little time.
Daniel has the big number ONE birthday coming up on April Fools Day. He is not walking. Not really trying. He does pretty well pushing something or holding onto stuff, but is not attempting to let go and try it on his own. He fed himself lunch today. So cute, picking up little pasta squares and peas. About half were in the chair afterwards. Soon, we have to work on cutting down on formula and weaning off the bottle. I must have a doctor appointment scheduled for him soon, so I will find out what all of my goals are. I know, I know, I should remember from the other two. But one of them was 5 years ago and the other one was the previous millennium. No wonder I can't remember!
Daniel and I spent Spring Break with Auntie Em in Connecticut. She is so attached to him! She went way above and beyond as hostess with the mostest setting up a crib for Daniel in the guest bedroom with me, and getting a stroller, car seat and booster seat so I wouldn't have to try to pack stuff or check them on the airplane. We were so comfy and since I was away from home, I felt so relaxed with none of the daily obligations I have here.
Daniel obviously was concerned about how we would find our way back because he left a proverbial trail of bread crumbs every where we went. He did this by slyly throwing his things out of the stroller while we weren't looking. Hats, socks, three bottles and a sippee cup were forever lost and eventually replaced, thanks to his "help".
Auntie Em is applying for admission at three of the highest regarded universities for women: Mount Holyoke, Smith, and Wellesley. Last Sunday we visited the campus' of Mount Holyoke and Smith which were very impressive. Old buildings and sprawling campus' with gigantic trees give you the feeling of being in a movie. We went into the library at Holyoke which was truly magnificent with stained glass windows and big wood beams in the ceiling. These are not schools where one goes to learn how to get a job. Women go there to develop their character and grow in their confidence to learn how to change the world. I don't think changing the world pays the bills, but alas, this is secondary to the greater good!! Anyway, Julia Child graduated from Smith, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Madeleine Albright graduated from Wellesley. I'm just going to get a T-shirt with a big arrow that points to the side saying, "My sister attends......"
I'll post pics from the trip when I get them.