Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Is there a doctor in the house?

3boyzdad is at the emergency room right now with Lucas. I've learned not to worry because this is 3boyzdad's habit. He has taken Lucas to the emergency room for a number of symptoms in the past, including a stomach ache and one imaginary rash. It was so funny one evening when Lucas was a baby and my mom fed him a strawberry. 3boyzdad ran Lucas to the hospital for fear he would swell up and stop breathing. Lucas was actually having no reaction at all.

I don't remember what it was we took him for one day when Lucas just would not stop crying. Persistently, he cried for over an hour in the ER until one of the nurses blew up a rubber glove and drew a face on it. Then, he was fine. Clearly, some treatments just can't be administered at home. A couple of years ago we took him for a stomach ache and he was diagnosed with constipation. That's what I got when we had to pay that bill!

Then there was the dog bite on Lucas' nose. That was when Daniel was just home from the hospital and we all ran to the ER in a panic. The doctor taped the wound shut and told us whatever we did, DO NOT REMOVE THE TAPE. Yes, that lasted about 30 minutes.

So, I wonder what the outcome of tonight's visit will be. I predict a spastic colon brought on by ER waiting room sufferage and the treatment will include losing some weight (in the pocket book area) and don't call anybody in the one cares. Oh, that diagnosis was for 3boyzdad. I bet Lucas has a 24 hour stomach flu and the doctor is going to say drink lots of water and get lots of rest.

But, when it rains, it pours, you know. Daniel is scheduled to get tubes in his ears this Friday morning. A study recently came out saying that no long term benefit in terms of speech or development were documented as a result of having tubes put in. That made us pause before scheduling this surgery, but I think there are short term benefits. We've has six back to back ear infections and Daniel has been on some kick-butt antibiotics over the last 8-10 months. I'd really like to see that trend broken. I'll post how the procedure goes.

And as long as we are seeing the ear, nose & throat doc for Daniel, I went ahead and scheduled a consultation for Aaron's deviated septum. It will require surgery to correct, I'm sure. So, tomorrow is just a look-see and talk over what the surgery would entail. I know Aaron wants to have it done because he has spent many years now with his nose not looking quite right. Sometimes you look and think maybe its dirty, but its not ( or it's "snot" ha ha). But, he is also a little scared and intimidated by the thought of having a surgery.