This blog will chronicle the adventures of raising three boys.
Aaron is 13 years old, in 8th grade and plays the violin. His hobbies are XBox, Playstation, and spending tons of time with his best friend, B. He is a great source of joy and frustration, which is probably how most 13 year olds are!
Lucas is 4 and just started Pre-K. He is a ball of fire. He is a master of memorization, can rattle off scenes from his favorite movies to everyone's delight. He is loving, sweet, precious, and defiant! Besides eating chocolate, watching veggitales, and playing Jedi games on the computer, his favorite word is NO. Still.
Daniel is just 5 months, our newest and final addition to the family. He has been a complete joy. There must something about the 3rd one, because he is the best baby ever. He sleeps all night and smiles all day. Of course, he does cry, but soothes easily.
I read other mom's blogs and just decided I have a lot to write about. Thanks for reading!
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