Check the link out below to see Lucas and Daniel in their costumes. Aaron was at a church lock-in Friday night, so he is not in the pics. Lucas was soooo scared of the ghosts and goblins he hung right by me, never getting more than an arms length away. The first two pics are supposed to show how Daniel is scooting backwards. He started out on the the butterfly matt and ended up way back by the TV.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Judge Precious Pants

Daniel has been getting up at night for a while now. Last night it couldn't have been more unwelcome. I had studied Spanish until 11pm and was in need of every minute of sleep I could get when at 4am there comes a wail that meant, "Get UP! I'm not happy! Get me out of bed and fix it NOW!" I wake up having no idea how long he has been crying so I race to his room to get him. Check diaper, make bottle, put in bed beside me, make sure to wake up 3boyzdad so he can share in my misery. Usually, this is all it takes and Judge Precious Pants goes back to sleep, but last night he was ready to hold court. We all had to give our opening statements ("You'll find that you are dry and full.") and defend our positions (tylenol and orajel. We're not sure if the real criminal is teething or some type of pain). Finally, after pleading our case for 35 minutes the defense rested and left Judge PP to his own thoughts. He argued alone for a while and eventually gave up. We were acquitted but too tired to celebrate.
Friday, October 14, 2005
It's Friday!
Ode to Friday
Last day of the work week, we love you!
I plan my weekend, there's so much to do,
Yardwork, school work, cooking and cleaning,
The kids like playing, running and screaming.
Remind me again, Friday, why is it we love you?
Ha ha.
I'm very unpolitical but a thought has crept its way into my head about the 2008 election. I think President Bush has effectively rolled out the red carpet for democratic runners. I think we could easily see our first woman president or our first black president because America is ready to leave these last eight years as far behind as possible. This administration has been riddled with the high cost of personal and financial loss. I think Hillary Clinton will be billed as the two-for-one candidate that will restore peace and fiscal balance. Comment back to me with your thoughts.
Did anyone play the lottery, yet? I sure did. On the first day I bought two of each kind of ticket which cost me a total to $20. I'm sure I won't spend that much in the future but I am definitely budgeting a weekly lottery expence of $5. I don't know if this is irresponsible or not, but for some reason I am looking forward to sharing trips to buy lottery tickets with my 13 year old. I decided that I'll let him scratch a ticket and if he wins, 1/2 has to go into his college account. I also plan to put lottery tickets inside birthday cards in the future. So, what did I win, you ask? I won another ticket. I haven't collected it, yet, maybe this weekend with Aaron.
Last day of the work week, we love you!
I plan my weekend, there's so much to do,
Yardwork, school work, cooking and cleaning,
The kids like playing, running and screaming.
Remind me again, Friday, why is it we love you?
Ha ha.
I'm very unpolitical but a thought has crept its way into my head about the 2008 election. I think President Bush has effectively rolled out the red carpet for democratic runners. I think we could easily see our first woman president or our first black president because America is ready to leave these last eight years as far behind as possible. This administration has been riddled with the high cost of personal and financial loss. I think Hillary Clinton will be billed as the two-for-one candidate that will restore peace and fiscal balance. Comment back to me with your thoughts.
Did anyone play the lottery, yet? I sure did. On the first day I bought two of each kind of ticket which cost me a total to $20. I'm sure I won't spend that much in the future but I am definitely budgeting a weekly lottery expence of $5. I don't know if this is irresponsible or not, but for some reason I am looking forward to sharing trips to buy lottery tickets with my 13 year old. I decided that I'll let him scratch a ticket and if he wins, 1/2 has to go into his college account. I also plan to put lottery tickets inside birthday cards in the future. So, what did I win, you ask? I won another ticket. I haven't collected it, yet, maybe this weekend with Aaron.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Happy 5th Birthday, Lucas!

Lucas turned 5 over the weekend! We took him and his friend Dalton to Chester's Party Barn where they rode ponies, fed goats, played in the sand, and rode a hayride to a big maze of corn. They had a blast. It was one of the cheapest birthday activities I've ever done, too.

Oops! Look at the extra pumpkin in the pumpkin patch!
And for those Blog-challenged friends and family of mine, I am posting links to some of my favorite blogs. I found this guy just today and what he wrote about airport security was hilarious. This lady is a new mom and she is figuring out what it takes to care for a baby. She wrote some interesting stuff about potty training early, like before one year of age. Do you think it is possible? Comment to me with your thoughts. This guy is a lawyer and he has a rather dry sense of humor, but he cracks me up sometimes.
Identity Theft
Okay, this is funny. We all know someone who has been a victim of identity theft, right? Well, my mom's credit report came back with an outstanding item of $45,000 for a SUBMARINE! My dad says he is pretty sure he would have known about a submarine purchase...well, he kids himself, but she still didn't buy it.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Ode to Granny

Today is the anniversary of my grandmother's birthday.
She passed away in December 1996 from complications
following major surgery at the age of 77.
Here are a few things I remember about her:
She taught me to count money back.
We played hours of dominoes and Wahoo.
She quilted.
She babysat kids for a living.
She cleaned with PineSol.
She gardened.
She read the bible.
She fried chicken, potatoes, and fruit pies.
She canned green beans.
She made homemade jelly.
She was a wonderful person and will always live in the hearts of her family.
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