Daniel has been getting up at night for a while now. Last night it couldn't have been more unwelcome. I had studied Spanish until 11pm and was in need of every minute of sleep I could get when at 4am there comes a wail that meant, "Get UP! I'm not happy! Get me out of bed and fix it NOW!" I wake up having no idea how long he has been crying so I race to his room to get him. Check diaper, make bottle, put in bed beside me, make sure to wake up 3boyzdad so he can share in my misery. Usually, this is all it takes and Judge Precious Pants goes back to sleep, but last night he was ready to hold court. We all had to give our opening statements ("You'll find that you are dry and full.") and defend our positions (tylenol and orajel. We're not sure if the real criminal is teething or some type of pain). Finally, after pleading our case for 35 minutes the defense rested and left Judge PP to his own thoughts. He argued alone for a while and eventually gave up. We were acquitted but too tired to celebrate.
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