Meet Peanut. She is a Quaker Parrot, aka Quaker Parakeet. We have had her about a year now and she only loves 3boyzdad. She has a tendency to like men better anyway and the day she came home we were friends for the couple of hours until 3boyzdad got home. Since then, she has never looked back. She lovingly snuggles with him, sits on his hand, kisses him with her little beak. And for me she reserves her worst behavior like lunging at me when I try to feed her. Whenever she ends up on the floor, she will let me pick her up, but gives a gratuitous bite just to let me know my picking her up and getting her back to her cage does not make us friends. The coolest thing about "exotic" birds is hearing them talk or mimic. Peanut can say a few things like "Pretty Peanut, Pretty Girl, You (for I Love You), and Ha Ha Ha.
So, when we got Peanut we vowed to have no kitty cats. Well, that was a year ago, and disenchanted as I am with Miss Peanut, I am not inclined to stick to my promise. We found Domino, a beautiful black and white, friendly kitty, outside our house a few months ago. So, I started feeding her and she made her home with us. She stayed outside, so before long (5 hours, maybe) she was pregnant with a litter. I moved her into the garage to have the babies just in time. But she was a first time mom, and not a very good one. I think she laid on them and only one survived. The cutest, fluffiest, darling little gray and white kitty! The kids named it (don't yet know if it's a she or he) Chewy, short for Chewbacca.
So now it is cold outside and my precious kitties are even cold in the garage. I moved them into my bathroom, complete with litter and scratching post. So what about Peanut? Well, Peanut may feel a little stalked. Domino stares at her for hours, Chewy walks on top of her cage. We've been spraying the cats with water to let them know Peanut is not for dessert. Peanut seems up to the challenge, though. I've seen them facing off, kitty cat daring on one side, bird ready to bite off whatever may slip through the bars. Last night Chewy got a good spray down for climbing up to the cage. After Chewy got down we heard Peanut call out, "HA HA HA".
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