Check this link out. People from all over the world read books then leave them out in a public place for someone else to find, read and release. The books get an ID number which tracks it for the rest of its life. Pretty cool. Join the fun with me!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Life has been going on, not slowing down for a second. Aaron and Lucas have "graduated" from their respective grades and summer is in full force. Ranking high for Aaron is that his "real" dad(whoever thought of calling the biological dad "real" was high!) showed up for his eighth grade send off, then wisked him away to Lake Tenkiller for the holiday weekend. After seeing them together in this pic (along with his grandmother on that side, too), I concende that Aaron does have some of my features afterall. Aaron is signed up for private violin lessons this summer to ready himself for high school orchestra and competitions. He is planning to participate in an extra curricular orchestra called Silver Strings that actually performs for money. The money goes for a big trip at the end of the school year. Then, he is also signed up for golf lessons, which I think I might take a few along with him. Everyone should know how to hit a few balls, right?

Here is a pic of the aquarium I started. Crazy, I know. The scuba man was chosen by Lucas.

Right here is a picture of a Mickey Mouse Platy. Can you see why?

In case you are ever faced with the delimma of how to wear two pairs of underwear at the same time.

And here is a big boy playing in the sprinkler. As you can see, his feet slipped out from under him a couple of times.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
2nd time for two posts in one day!

I started a rock garden at the end of the driveway. It is just an afterthought, so I need to check out pics of real ones to see what I need to make it pretty. Right now, it consists of one rock, a succulent plant and some ground cover. And, it is far away from the hose, so I have to make a conscious effort to unwind the hose almost to the end, stretch it over there and water it often.
Daniel has just been ordered by his pediatrician to kick the bottle. I have been giving him only two bottles a day to help him slowly replace them with the cup. He was down to three, anyway. So far, he is not impressed. Whole milk is his least favorite, apple juice gets a few sips taken. On the other hand, he will suck the bottom out of the cup if there is Coke in it!
Mother's Day
I've had a great mother's day just being with my mom and my kids today. At one point we were in the car and all three boys were in the backseat and I just looked back there and thought how great my little brood is. They are such cool, fun kids.
When does the DaVinci code come out? I'm currently listening to the book on audio in my car. So far, I'm on chapter 6. It is a good listen. When I'm done, I'll see the movie.
Watched Mission Impossible III tonight and it was good. I like Tom Cruise in this role, it is adventurous and fast moving. I just don't question the logic of the movie, just accept it for the entertainment it is. It's a fun ride.
Still not done with the living room! It is taking longer than I anticipated. Maybe I'll get done with the painting tomorrow, but I have some important errands to run, so it's a big maybe.
My mom is flying out Tuesday to Connecticut to be with my sister for her graduation. She is graduating with her associate's degree. The news gets even better...she not only has been accepted at all three colleges she applied to, but she has been awarded a full scholarship at the one she most wanted to attend, Wellesley. Go, Morgan!
When does the DaVinci code come out? I'm currently listening to the book on audio in my car. So far, I'm on chapter 6. It is a good listen. When I'm done, I'll see the movie.
Watched Mission Impossible III tonight and it was good. I like Tom Cruise in this role, it is adventurous and fast moving. I just don't question the logic of the movie, just accept it for the entertainment it is. It's a fun ride.
Still not done with the living room! It is taking longer than I anticipated. Maybe I'll get done with the painting tomorrow, but I have some important errands to run, so it's a big maybe.
My mom is flying out Tuesday to Connecticut to be with my sister for her graduation. She is graduating with her associate's degree. The news gets even better...she not only has been accepted at all three colleges she applied to, but she has been awarded a full scholarship at the one she most wanted to attend, Wellesley. Go, Morgan!
Friday, May 12, 2006
2nd post in one day!

I started painting the living room since I'm between semesters. Here is the before....

Here is the after. Yellow is my new favorite color. I used a colorwashing technique that actually required three colors. As you can see, I'm not finished.
I swear I'm going to blog more. I just found another lady's blog and she blogs about general things and includes pics of everywhere she goes and things she sees. I'm going to do that, too! If she has a talent, she posts a how-to with a pic. Love it!
Have you seen Flight 93? Blah! Read my lips... No new information! Hello! It seems like the way to honor victims of terror is to relive the trajedy with them. Yuck. It is the same at the Murrah Museum in Oklahoma. I just think the movie would have been much better if it could have focused on the people instead of the acts.
I took Lucas and Daniel to the park yesterday and Lucas found a boy his own age to play with and they were so cute! Lucas would pretend like he was falling down the slide and call for the other boy to come save him. Then, they would cross the "falling bridge" together, barely making it across, of course.
Domino, the mama kitty, has been such a companion lately. Everywhere I go, there she is under my feet. The search is on for the best kitty litter. The cat litter is currently in my bathroom, which opens up to my bedroom, right at the bed. We are very aware of which ones do not work!
So far, I have three work outs per week going on. I just added the third one recently. I don't think I've lost more than a pound or two, but we will measure next week to see for sure. I did pull out a couple of capri pants that were too small and they fit well, so we'll see! I keep thinking surely I can add a couple of walks per week to the mix. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Did I mention yet that Lucas started play therapy? Well, he has had one session. This pastor that specializes in children does this program where he sets up a room full of "expressive" toys and watches or plays with the kids. The premise is that kids work out their problems through play. Makes sense, although I don't think Lucas has any problems or "trauma" per se to work through. I peeked into the window to see what they were playing since I know Lucas doesn't care for coloring, drawing, etc. There was the pastor weilding a sword. Let me tell you, Lucas had a blast. A grown up playing swords with him for 45 minutes, must have been pure bliss for the little guy.
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