Life has been going on, not slowing down for a second. Aaron and Lucas have "graduated" from their respective grades and summer is in full force. Ranking high for Aaron is that his "real" dad(whoever thought of calling the biological dad "real" was high!) showed up for his eighth grade send off, then wisked him away to Lake Tenkiller for the holiday weekend. After seeing them together in this pic (along with his grandmother on that side, too), I concende that Aaron does have some of my features afterall. Aaron is signed up for private violin lessons this summer to ready himself for high school orchestra and competitions. He is planning to participate in an extra curricular orchestra called Silver Strings that actually performs for money. The money goes for a big trip at the end of the school year. Then, he is also signed up for golf lessons, which I think I might take a few along with him. Everyone should know how to hit a few balls, right?

Here is a pic of the aquarium I started. Crazy, I know. The scuba man was chosen by Lucas.

Right here is a picture of a Mickey Mouse Platy. Can you see why?

In case you are ever faced with the delimma of how to wear two pairs of underwear at the same time.

And here is a big boy playing in the sprinkler. As you can see, his feet slipped out from under him a couple of times.
1 comment:
Wow, look at Aaron's "dad"! Yes, he does have your features!! Haven't seen him in forever!
Don't think I will be joining any book club anytime soon!
Miss you, hope to see you soon!
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