Monday, September 25, 2006


Lucas is scared of his dreams, all of a sudden. Sunday morning he came and got in bed with me, whimpering about a bad dream. I just snuggled him for a while. Later in the day, he brought it up several times. It must have been a pretty bad one, poor guy. So last night, he tried to stay awake so he wouldn't have any dreams. And for him, staying awake is not a problem. It was about midnight when he finally drifted off! Well, this morning he comes and gets in bed with me and says with his little lisp..."Mommy, my dream was disgusthting!" What a word! I didn't know he even knew it. Wonder what bedtime will be like tonight....


There are lots of characters at school that I think deserve some print time here. Students and instructors, alike. I don't buddy up with very many people at school. I guess I'm more of a loner, plus I'm much older than most of the day students.

We'll start with my commercial law class. The instructor, an absolute dinosour, is no joy to learn from. He walks in the room without ever addressing the class, turns and writes the days lesson on the chalk board, in cursive, in outline form. Mind you, we already have the text and an outline that he told us to purchase additionally. Once it took him 45 minutes of class time to do this.

In said law class, we have a student I'll call Mr. Suspicious. He always looks disbelievingly at Mr. Dinosour, as if the book can't be right. Mr. Suspicious asks questions like, "And how does that reconcile with what we just learned in the last chapter about bailments?" I just want to shake him and tell him he is probably not going to be the one guy that makes Mr. Dinosour and the rest of the legal field realize they've been operating under a misunderstanding of the universal commercial code. But, he'll just have to come to that realization himself one day.

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