Saturday, October 28, 2006

Meet Ace and Derrick. Ace is the sold white rat, fancy rat, that is. Aaron was given Ace by a friend. It took a lot of convincing for us to let him keep him. Then, I read that rats are much better off when they have a cage mate. So, I took Lucas to the pet store where he picked out Derrick. And, hey, I had nothing to do with picking the names.

I'm selling stuff on e-bay again. Just thought I would supplement the ole student loans with some cash.
Here is Daniel's PJs listed at $.99. Such a bargain!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I started this book yesterday and it is off to pretty good start. It's about a busy mom in England that also has a pretty demanding job. She is a hedge accountant, which means she manages risk associated with foreign currency investments. We just covered this topic in my advanced accounting class, so it will be interesting to see if I have any insight throughout the story.

Aaron's Smoking and my blog is messed up

After that last tacky post, I'm sure I had this coming. Aaron has been so curious about smoking lately. Everytime he gets mad at me, he spitefully retorts, "I'm gonna start smoking!" Oh yeah, he knows how to get to me! I came home yesterday to find him sitting pretty on the couch, all freshly showered, cologned, combed and calm. I asked him why he showered in the middle of the reason, he says. But I knew. I knew in my gut he had been smoking. And he admitted it to me. This has to stop pronto. 3boyzdad and I have discussed what we should do, but we don't know. Do we make him smoke a pack, one after the other and hope it turns him off? I'm opting for showing immense disappointment in his choice.

My blog is going through puberty right now. That's why the side bar is messed up. I upgraded it to beta---whatever that means, and I deleted the annoying Hurricane Katrina ad at the top and ever since, the sidebar hasn't cooperated.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm about to be mean here.....

On the topic of school and the funny people you meet there, there is another person in a couple of my classes that is noteworthy. This is an older lady with a smoker's hack to beat all smoker's hacks.

I'm all for going back to school to better one's self, mind, job enrichment, etc. And all under the banner of you-are-never-too-old. It's true, you absolutely can't start to improve your mind or body too late. No matter what you choose to do, it will improve your overall life, I believe. So what makes this person any different? Well, my guess is she is too far gone, lung-wise, for much improving to be cost effective. And it's not like she 'used to' smoke. Oh no, she comes into class with a cloud of smoke enveloping her. Her poor voice sounds like it's been raked over bed of knives. 'Nuff said. And you know how we end a blog that rags on somebody? .....Bless her heart!

Happy Birthday Lucas!

6 Years Old!

This just happens to be his cake-tasting finger!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Warning! Please read before considering having children!

Just beware. That's all I'm saying. It may not happen to you. I didn't think it would happen to me when I was young and naive, thinking I wanted lots of children to love all day.

Me, before children:

And after:

So sad!