Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm about to be mean here.....

On the topic of school and the funny people you meet there, there is another person in a couple of my classes that is noteworthy. This is an older lady with a smoker's hack to beat all smoker's hacks.

I'm all for going back to school to better one's self, mind, job enrichment, etc. And all under the banner of you-are-never-too-old. It's true, you absolutely can't start to improve your mind or body too late. No matter what you choose to do, it will improve your overall life, I believe. So what makes this person any different? Well, my guess is she is too far gone, lung-wise, for much improving to be cost effective. And it's not like she 'used to' smoke. Oh no, she comes into class with a cloud of smoke enveloping her. Her poor voice sounds like it's been raked over bed of knives. 'Nuff said. And you know how we end a blog that rags on somebody? .....Bless her heart!

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