Monday, December 18, 2006

Today is the first day of the rest of my life

Whew, finals ended.

The house is decorated for Christmas and I have to get all my shopping done this week. Which won't take long because it only takes so long to spend the certain amount of money we have allotted for this yuletide season!

Three companies I interviewed with last week are supposed to make a decision this week. I'm on pins and needles. One would be almost exactly like the work I did before, so there is a comfort level there. One would be working with our downtown. That one could be super fun, plus I would feel much more involved with my city and events, etc. The other one is for a produce company in another city. Their office is dingy and it smells like onions.

Alas, none of them may choose me, which is fine. I'm still applying. Still looking, honing the interview skills. I won't panic for a few more weeks.

I also recommitted myself to a diet today. 1500-1700 calories per day. I'm done with the krispy kremes on the counter, the kids will have to finish those off. Also, I made coconut, pineapple, cream cheese balls just yesterday, but no more for me. I started a list last night of all the foods I will allow myself and another one of foods I won't allow myself. The second one is pretty short because I don't think it's a good idea to just deny yourself a bunch of stuff. If I said I'm never going to eat ________ again, it wouldn't be long before I just had big binge of that very item.

I hope you are all ready for the holidays in whatever way you celebrate. Take time to slow down and really enjoy something or someone you've put off for a while. You won't regret it.

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