Friday, October 14, 2005

It's Friday!

Ode to Friday

Last day of the work week, we love you!
I plan my weekend, there's so much to do,
Yardwork, school work, cooking and cleaning,
The kids like playing, running and screaming.
Remind me again, Friday, why is it we love you?

Ha ha.

I'm very unpolitical but a thought has crept its way into my head about the 2008 election. I think President Bush has effectively rolled out the red carpet for democratic runners. I think we could easily see our first woman president or our first black president because America is ready to leave these last eight years as far behind as possible. This administration has been riddled with the high cost of personal and financial loss. I think Hillary Clinton will be billed as the two-for-one candidate that will restore peace and fiscal balance. Comment back to me with your thoughts.

Did anyone play the lottery, yet? I sure did. On the first day I bought two of each kind of ticket which cost me a total to $20. I'm sure I won't spend that much in the future but I am definitely budgeting a weekly lottery expence of $5. I don't know if this is irresponsible or not, but for some reason I am looking forward to sharing trips to buy lottery tickets with my 13 year old. I decided that I'll let him scratch a ticket and if he wins, 1/2 has to go into his college account. I also plan to put lottery tickets inside birthday cards in the future. So, what did I win, you ask? I won another ticket. I haven't collected it, yet, maybe this weekend with Aaron.

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