Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Yesterday the court appointed Trust for my bankrupt, defunct employer informed us of how much longer we would still have a job. My last day is December 31st. I will really be starting a new year with all new resolutions and goals. Can you believe it is time to start planning 2006! I am feeling pressure to get the holidays done and get on with my life!

3boyzdad and I talked about what life will be like with me going to school full time. We will have to tighten the proverbial belt but we disagree on which notch to fall on. I can't stop getting my hair done, can I? What about waxing? These tasks are done with the good of the people in mind. To show up in public au natural might be considered cruel and unusual! Remember Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality before she got waxed?? So, how about the house cleaners? This is where he and I really disagree. I still say I can't live without them because I'll be studying any time I'm not dealing with kids. He thinks I should just "clean a little everyday". HA. He has no idea.

I do look forward to scheduling excercise into my regular routine. I look forward to eating more healthy meals. At work we go out to lunch in groups several days a week which is fun. But the calories associated with these lunches won't be missed!

Aaron was issued a palm pilot by his school. Isn't that cool? He was so hyped about learning to use it. I understand he will be using it to manage assignments and even have assignments sent to him on it.

This morning was a little bit of a fiasco. This reflects on the part of my personality that wants everything my friends have. I spent some time with my best friend K a while ago and she had this different contact lens case that I had never seen before. She didn't tell me much about it, but it was suppossedly a different contact solution that I could get at Wal-Mart and that case comes with it. I bought one last week. Upon further inspection of the contact lens case I decided it was way too much work. You have to carefully place your contacts inside separate compartments. So, I nixed the case. This morning I opened up Pure Eyes and just rinsed off one of my contacts (I had slept in them.....again) and proceeded to put the contact back into my eye. It immediately burned my eye, I was screaming, hopping around, yelling, "Get it OUT!" I got the contact out and rinsed my eye repeatedly. Well, it turned into a glasses day for me. Too much trauma. They should call that crap Pure Hell. Turns out, you are never supposed to let that stuff touch your eyes and the contact case has a built in neutralizer for all the sodium and peroxide crap that is in it. Furthermore, the bottle I picked up was just one step in a series of steps for cleaning your contacts with that damn stuff. Whew. Moral of the story---don't care what your friends use!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny. I can totally see you hopping around like that. Actually, I thought that just before I read it. Very good.